From a very young age I remember travelling the world with my parents and seeing them photographing. The way a photograph froze a moment in time captivated me, and still does.
It has been over 20 years now that I have been taking photographs.
Starting back in the film days well before digital was thought of, i’d shoot wedding, people, cars and bikes and did several overseas trips to the USA and Canada, New Zealand and Fiji shooting landscapes.
Completely self taught through my own research and trial and error, which in the film days was quite expensive ! Photography fulfils my creative side perfectly, blending art and technology, and gives me a sense of freedom, especially when out shooting landscapes.
Landscape photography has always been my passion and main focus. I absolutely love being outdoors in the wild elements. Whether it's standing on a cliff edge trying to not get struck by lightning as storms rage around me, dodging large waves on a rocky shoreline or trekking through the rain in the mountains, it's all about getting that shot.
But I’ve never wanted to be a ‘one trick pony’ when it comes to my photography.
I also love photographing people in all situations, whether that's during a wedding or shooting a model.
Creative commercial assignments are always a satisfying challenge.
I hope you enjoy my work and if you see me out shooting come and say hi.
I’m always up for a chat about photography :)
If you wish to hire my services or simply have a question please email, text or call me.
Or Ph. 0402 666 453
To see more of my work head to: Instagram @petejamesphoto @blackmode